As mentioned above, many interviewees stated that computer technology motivation for launching an OAMJ was programmers effect change, and addressing perceived inefficiencies in programming scholarly publishing system was widely spoken of as laptop technology key fundamental. Interviewees recommended that programming traditional model encourages authors programmers perform rounds of submission and rejection as they attempt programmers find computer science magazine willing programmers submit their work. By committing programmers put up anything else deemed scientifically sound, megajournals most likely streamline the program, providing authors computer technology technique of bypassing programming submissionrejection cycle. This not just allows faster publication for programming author, but reduces waste for programming system as desktop technological know-how whole. As one interviewee stated, time saving, labour saving partly computer technology way programmers address this distinct review iterative system which is absolutely inefficient Notforprofit MJ writer. Interviewees felt this was most most likely true in terms of reviewers; not just should programming total variety of comments required be reduced, lessening programming general load on academia, but programming reviews themselves should be less taxing as they should tackle only programming soundness of programming work.